Alvin and the Chipmunks Wiki
Alvin and the Chipmunks Wiki

If this is counted as spam or sparta, I am sorry, for I do not know technically know what spam is......

Hey guys. It's me, Jeanette. Peace. Anyway today ( on the day of Chipwrecked ) I am home...SICK. Yes, I know! The worst day to be sick.....and my aunt won't let me out of the house unless I get better.....=( HUGE bummer for me.....but I NEED TO SEE CHIPWRECKED!!!!!! So if anybody out there, ANYBODY, knows a good site ( that isn't Youtube, Facebook or Twitter ) that has Chipwrecked online for free, I will thank you so much and try to make a video or picture or SOMETHING in your, PLEASE. Help me!!!!! I'm desperate here!!!!!!
