Murakami-Wolf-Swenson (MWS) was an animation studio that produced children's TV shows. The company started in the United States in the 1960s and created a satellite studio in Dublin, Ireland in 1989. They produced some well-known shows including the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and eleven episodes of The Chipmunks Season 6.
Name history[]
- Murakami-Wolf Productions (MW) - 1964 to 1977
- Named after the founders Jimmy Murakami and Fred Wolf.
- Murakami-Wolf-Swenson (MWS) - 1978 to 1991
- Renamed once Charles Swenson became a partner.
- Murakami-Wolf-Dublin (MWD) - 1991 to 1994
- Renamed once Charles Swenson left the company and their Dublin satellite studio was created.
- Fred Wolf Films Dublin - 1994 to 2000
- Renamed once Jimmy Murakami left the company.